Thursday, May 20, 2010

Writing test at school

This the the paragraph submitted from Billy for his end of the year writing paragraph:

When we go hiking, we like to make trail mix before we go so we can eat it at the top. When we are walking most of the time it is rocky so we look at rocks that we could paint for our rock garden. We also like to look at all of the beautiful stuff at the end of the hike.

I love to go hiking with my family!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Team S. S.

Team SS won the Golden Running Shoe Trophy yesterday. That is Billy's school and JJ's future school. We had red shirts that said Team SS. On the back there was an eagle; the school's mascot. Everyone ran one lap around the track. We had 19 people...way more than any other school in the whole city!


JJ's Trail Mix

Dried Fruit Bits
Cocktail Peanuts
Cinnamon Sugared Almonds
Reeces Pieces

Billy's Trail Mix

Dried Blueberry
Cocktail Peanuts
Honey Almonds
Sunflower Seeds

The Beginning....

We were hiking together and got this idea to share all of adventures. We do lots of fun things together. This is how our blog works. Billy writes what he wants to say then he gives the paper to Minnie and she types it in the computer. She can make spelling corrections, but nothing else. Minnie thinks this will be good for us being better at writing. That's how we do it - be sure to check out our other sections.

This hike (Hone Quarry) gets a thumbs up from all of us....except JJ who fell and got a huge gash on his knee. He liked it until then though!