Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day at the Beach

The beach was very fun. When we were there we went to Chincoteague and Assateague Island on the Eastern Shore. We didn't stop in Chincoteague because it is just a town, but Assateague is a wildlife refuge with wild horses and mosquitoes that attack your car! To get there, you have to cross the Bay Bridge Tunnel because it is an island and the Bay Bridge Tunnel crosses the bay for 17 miles as part tunnel and part bridge.

Nana got us a raft for the beach. We rode in it across the bay. On Sunday we went to the bay for like 2 1/2 hours and when we were there we built an awesome sandcastle which is in a picture above. We also went to a go cart place where I beat JJ and Mickey. The last track went up to 20 miles per hour but I didn't race anybody because no one was there to race me but I still drove it fast.

We wanted to go to the Cavalier because it is a hotel with tons of ghosts so you can guess it is really old which it is, but it was closed so we couldnt go in and visit the ghosts....but we will next time we go there. If you want to know more about the ghosts there, google The Cavalier in Virginia Beach!

Billy reflects on the 1 year anniversary....

Billy is home sick today with croup and strep....yuck! But lucky for all of you fans out there, it gives him time to post 2 new original blogs in his own words!

The Adventures of Billy and JJ turns 1 (Billy's version)

We just had the 1 year anniversary for Billy and JJ. We know this because it was the same day as the SA fun run at the high school. Here are my favorite posts of the year:

10 days
Backyard fun
Billy and JJ attend their first wedding
The Polar Rollers
Disney Reports #4
The Great Outdoors
All of our SSES memories
All about my birthday
Our #1 Fan

Thanks for reading for the whole year....keep checking back for all of our adventures. We are going to have a lot this summer!

Friday, May 27, 2011

10 days......

until school is out and JJ for one cannot wait! Yesterday was pure torture for him because #1 - His 'frenemy' the amazing Ms. V 'borrows' all his pencils because she has run out...and she cannot afford to buy anymore because she is saving all her money to go to the ocean. JJ's reply to this is he is saving for an ipad, but he still has pencils. JJ countered by clearing the house out of all of our pencils to take to school...and then Ms. V countered that by taking more pencils from him....and get this...giving them to other people! JJ can barely take her bullying anymore.

On top of the great pencil war, JJ must endure a whole 30 minutes in the cafeteria that 'stinks of the buyers food'. Yesterday was the worst....it was taco day and he could barely keep from puking the whole time. In fact, even thinking about taco day makes him want to puke. And further the only think he can even stand to smell is pizza day...and that is only once every 2 weeks! We looked at the calender, and luckly taco day will not occur the rest of this school year, whew!

Oh, the injustices JJ must endure for his education!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Backyard fun!

We are counting down the days until summer....when you know what that means, backyard fun! Billy and JJ have gotten a little head start on all the action, with the help of some friends. We will be out catching fireflies in not time!

Wolf Man!!!

Billy had his Blue and Gold banquet last night for Cub Scouts. He met all his requirements for advancements from Wolf to Bear. He was picked to call the meeting to order by 'advancing the colors' which is a ceremony involving the flags and his pack's ribbons. He then had to lead all of pack 42 in the cub scout pledge. As always, Billy made us proud!

Billy and JJ attend their first wedding!

Our fabulous cousin, Dude got married this past weekend and it was Billy and JJ's first wedding ever. The celebrated by cutting a rug and break dancing the ENTIRE reception....guess all of our dance parties in the kitchen paid off!

What a great family picture with Mom Mom and Pa....and dude with the boys. They think he is pretty awesome because #1- he is a policeman and #2 - he one time picked them up (one in each hand) at the same time and threw them into bushes! But then again, we all think Dude is pretty awesome, Billy and JJ just have better reasoning!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Danny the Dolphin

Billy sang his first solo section of a song in the school play, "School Daze: A Fish Tale" this past week. He also had a few lines to speak. He surprisingly likes drama and performing on stage. His character, Danny the Dolphin was one of the 'jocks' in the class. Here is his solo part (he called it his rap!)from the song 'Feeding Frenzy' from a lunch room scene:

What's inside that little brown bag?
Better be good, I'm on a junk food jag!

Look out Kanye West!

The Adventures of Billy and JJ turns 1 year old!

And we mark it with the same event as last year....the winning of the Golden Running Shoe trophy by SSES! Billy ran a whole mile and JJ ran 400 meters....after each playing a full soccer game. Yeah for SSES and yeah for Billy and JJ!

From Billy - "My school won this race two years in a row. I think SSES is the best school in the whole city. I chose to run the whole mile and made a pretty good time because I pushed myself as hard as I could....even after playing a whole soccer game!" Mr S. announced over the loud speaker this morning all of our names on the team. He said he was proud of us and that we represented SSES really well."

From JJ -"I am glad SSES won the running shoe trophy. It was cool, we wore our shirts to school today and so did MR. S and Mrs. B (Principal and Vice Principal). That was cool because all the kids in my class saw I had on the same shirt as them and I told them we were on the same team." Oh yeah and I like that we have had Billy and JJ for a whole year because it makes us kind of famous because lots of people read about our adventures."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Reading Rocks

Billy and JJ both met their grade level criteria at SSES to be awarded a Reading medal for the 2010-2011 school year. Since the end of the BBC (Boys Book Club) last summer, we have kept up our almost nightly ritual of reading together. Some of our favorite books have been:

Various books in the Magic Treehouse and Box Car Children
Diary of a Whimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth
Our current book, Kingdom Keepers (about Disney World after dark)
and all of our #1 favorite this year: Hank the Cow Dow!

According to JJ, he was very nervous to get his first reading medal because he had to go up on stage in front of the whole school and did not want to look silly:) On the contrary, I feel he looked quite handsome....but I am biased.

Happy Mother's Day!

Mickey, Billy and JJ did a great job this year on Mother's day -
together they sent me the most beautiful arrangement of flowers ever...then Mickey cooked all weekend (3 of my most favorite meals)- including a meal on Mother's day for Nana and Maw as well. To cap everything off, Billy and JJ did not fight even one time the whole day (at least with each other...but that is another story)!

Is it just me, or are Billy and JJ extremely blessed (by of course having me as their mom) but then also having such loving Nana's, Mom Mom's and Maw in their lives. How lucky can 2 boys get?