Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fake Mustache book report

Billy is sick he got a jump on the Boys Book Club list, and read the first book in 1 Day!!!!! So, I have been 'homeschooling him'....multiplication tables, 30 minutes of reading....and the best thing ever....Billy and JJ Blogs! The author of the book Billy is reviewing, also wrote Origami Yoda....and is local. He set this book in our town, but refers to it as 'Hairsprinkle'!

Fake Mustache was a good book. I say that because it was funny. A kid lent $10 to his friend to buy a mustache then he got on a suit and started robbing banks. Then he blamed it on the other kid and the whole town was after him. Then the bad kid became mayor! The bad kid was aka 'Fako Mustachio'. And who doesn't see through that! then Fako Mustachio tried to become president and won the election,but an assisinator tried to shoot Fako but the good guy threw a sticky hand and caught the bullet. It also caught the fake mustache, so the bad kid was revealed. I really liked this book - it was great!!

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