Friday, February 15, 2013

A State of Mind

Its Friday....and the boys were especially 'squirrely' this morning. Must have been all the sugar from V-day last night. Here is a highlight from each boy's sate of mind: From Billy: We were discussing the perfectness of J-Wow and how lucky we are to have her. Billy said she has the exact amount of wrestling and fighting in her for him, Mickey and JJ.....but also cuddly enough for me. He then said she also has the perfect amount of watch dog in her to keep us safe. To which I replied, 'Sometimes its too much watch dog (I am pretty sure the neighbors hate her because she incessantly barks at them). Billy's reply....."Mom, you will be happy about that when doomsday comes! From JJ: This winter has been very mild....yet that has not stopped the kids from getting out of school for 'weather' or at the very least multiple 2 hour delays. It has become a running joke that they never go to school.....if it is too sunny, it might blind them and thus, early release! I do not think between the delays and scheduled days off and early releases and our vacation that they have been to school a full week since October! So, today, facing almost a full week (scheduled early release on Tuesday), JJ was especially dreading a FULL DAY and asked me in all seriousness if there was a chance they could get out early today. When I said is going to be 50 and sunny, he then wondered (again in all seriousness) if I would call in a bomb threat to school!

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