Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The boys are back!

It's summer, and that means Billy and JJ are going to be back 'blogging' about all their adventures again. We did not do any updating the entire school year, they were just both so busy. So, to give you all a quick look at what they have been up to the last 9 months, I turn it over to Billy and JJ: Billy.....5th Grade: (This picture is of red ribbon week at school....I did announcements and had kids sign a poster to live a drug free life.) I had a good first year at SLMS as a 5th grader this year. I made a lot of good friends and had good teachers...a few bad ones, but mostly good! There are 5 boys in my closest group of friends, and we call ourselves the 5. We got to go together for a whole weekend and stay in a hotel that one of my friends grandparents own. That was fun. Towards the beginning of the school year when I was still in Young Marines, I did announcements for Red Ribbon Week. I did them every day for a whole week. At the end of the year, I got the chorus award, which is funny because I cannot sing. I also did a math competition and got 11th place out of all of the the and 6th graders. I also got my Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts and now I am in the Boy Scout Troop. I hope 6th grade is as good at 5th was! This is my group of friends....the 5:
From JJ: Highlights from 3rd Grade
JJ got the Citizenship award for the second year in a row in his class! His list of memories: 1) Cub Scouts because it is fun to learn about the Wilderness 2)Recess is my favorite thing at school 3) Doing fun stuff with my friends 4) I was the stork in the school play. I wore yellow tights 5) History is my favorite subject at school 6) I was glad to get the citizenship award 7) PE Peers was fun the first half of the year 8) on the last day, we played kickball 9)The events for field day were fun 10) I was SEC Postmaster. That is an office position. 11) I had three different teachers....it was a crazy year!
JJ got to put the flag up at school on September 11th.

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