Friday, July 26, 2013

Harrison JJ

We had Harrison Holiday last week and I planned it this year. The first part of the week we went to Virginia Beach. That was really not part of Harrison Holiday. And then we went to Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg (which was Harrison Holiday)! My favorite part of Virginia Beach was going swimming and boogy boarding at the Boardwalk Beach. I also liked Piezerreia to eat. My favorite part of Williamburg was the silversmith and the blacksmith. And, we bought a really cool game from there called mancala. Bush Gardens was my favorite part of all. The Loch Ness Monster was a really cool roller coaster and I rode it 8 times. I also got a stuffed animal Nessie and a hat that says Loch Ness Monster. Bush Gardens was the best part of the whole trip.
My favorite part about the whole summer so far is going to Busch Gardens. It was really fun. I love the Loch Ness Monster. It is my favorite Roller Coaster ever. That is why I rode it 8 times. There were some other fun rides too that we did. I cannot wait until I am tall enough to ride some of the really big roller coasters there. I love Harrison Holiday. For my next Harrison Holiday, I want to go to Hershey Park.

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